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Hi there, hope everyone's had a good holiday season!

Firstly, thank you to everyone who's supported me so far, I really appreciate you and your help. Secondly, I want to address the elephant in the room. I know I have not been very active on my Patreon or Discord and I'd like to explain why. 

It's been a struggle trying to balance my time for a while.  Between my private life, personal projects, commissions, job responsibilities, and simple living maintenance, there's very little time left for everything. But, with this year I plan to change that.

I overshot myself with trying to do too many things at once, so I'm dialing back a bit, and at the same time, I'll be engaging with you more! 

I'll be in the discord more frequently, and I'm allowing 25 new people in through a public invitation, maybe weekly, maybe monthly, we'll see.

 I'm currently working on a video to start out my speeddraw commentaries, and I intend to release it either Saturday or Sunday (January 8th or 9th)

As for my big projects, I currently have 2 that I'll be working on as the year goes on, in order they are "Majestic" (Pilot Chapter) and "Princess Saves the Strawberry" (Bleach Doujin). I'm 31 pages in on Majestic and I'm 3 pages in on PSTS, and I plan on finishing Majestic within the next couple months and PSTS shortly after. 

Once I'm able to go full time as an artist, I'll be able to get a lot more done, but until then, this schedule should be pretty manageable. Thank you again for sticking with me, it means so much! Here's to a new year!

Patreon Post Schedule


-Finished twitter chosen art pieces (1 SFW & 1 NSFW)

-General Updates on projects, life events and changes, etc. 


-4 page B/W comics

-Speed Drawing Commentary Videos






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