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  • Brig Beach WIP.mp4



Name still in WIP. Still missing audio + some minor fixes, but I wont change all too much now (I hope).


Been working on this on and off for AGES (since around January) and got me super frustrated more often than not, to a point where I wouldn't touch Blender for multiple days because of it. But I really wanted to finish this one for a friend, which was pretty much the main thing that kept me going the last couple months, so I'm really glad I'm almost at the finishline.
I've learned alot from this and know what to avoid with animations in the future (more of which should come very, very soon, if everything I planned turns out okay).

I hope with this done soon, I'll get back on a more regular upload schedule, as you'd be more used to before Feburary. This felt like this animation always creeped in the back of my head, each time I started a new render, making working on anything feel really uncomfortable and stressful, especially when you take in account at which speed I finished the previous 2 Animations (2-3 days each), which made me feel even worse having this laying around for litteral months. This, plus beeing sick for what feels like half of feburary, really killed a lot of motivation at the time, but now, beeing pretty much finished with rendering this and feeling a lot better health wise, I feel a lot more motivated and "free".

I'm sorry for the lack of uploads as of recent, but I hope you can kinda understand now where it's comming from.

Thank you all for supporting me through this regardless, more regular stuff will come very soon :)


Birg Beach Collab [Looping] [No Sound]



Aaron Murph

That looks like the most perfect place for a beach day