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"As long as she doesn't mind, he should be fine.
Just hope Tracer doesn't get wrong ideas and get's more tinies involved. Widow doesn't seem like she's kdding around."

This was a fun little project I did with @Jimmy14410 , as we used the same meme refrence, just to see how either one of use works around it.

I think I digressed quite hard



John Doe

Love when you tell little stories like this!


You may have deviated from the meme ‘a little’, but your execution is nonetheless, great. The first page is my favorite with just how well framed the shot of Tracer holding the tiny is captured. Combined with the way you made Tracer’s expression insinuates a lot and is very effective painting the mood of the situation. The suggestive grin, arched eyebrow, how she dangles the tiny. It’s a really great expression of playfulness with sensual vibes. The lighting is immaculate as you continue to present. I’m assuming this is set with the sunsetting? If it is, I think that’s a great choice of how you want to capture the lighting off their skin here that feels very warm without being too bright. The contrast of shading and lighting for Widowmaker’s skin in particular is great. Some really good composition for the shading done there. Especially in Page 3, where Tracer’s form looms over part of Widowmaker’s skin and casting different levels of shadows. Great contrast and composition captured there! Tracer’s contrast is also good. The light shadows complimenting her bright skin is gorgeous. The out of focus blurring effect for the background is also really good. I find how you use that effect for interesting. I’m not too familiar with the techniques or what captures an excellent use of out/in focus shots. But for Widowmaker in second panel, her hand and her breast being in focus compared to the rest of her being blurred out of focus a bit is interesting. I like how they are framed to be close to the camera along with Tracer’s hand dangling the tiny. I’m curious on what you thought when approaching that. Overall, really cute and very sensually captured mini-comic!


Thanks a lot! Widows boobs and hand beeing in focus is just due to the focal plane happening to be on the same height as the tiny, just meaning they're both just as far away from the camera as the tiny is to the camera, meaning they're in the "focus area" aswell (seems like the message didn't got through, weird)