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Hey, sry for the inactivity recently, but there is just a lot going on rn in my life, mainly because of my job which lead to me beeing quite exhausted and unmotivated over the last couple weeks.


This is about to change soon, I'm mostly done with the stuff at work and I've got holidays in less than 2 weeks, which means I got a lot more time to make renders (which will be a lot more considering I have to make up for the last few weeks of inactivity)

Hope you understand and see you next week with a new render :)


Dust Buddy

Don't worry, I understand. I'm going through the same thing. It sucks when in your heart you want to do something, but your body, mind, and time simply physically can't do it at the moment. You want to be consistent, you want to make more, but even then it doesn't mean life will be consistent. I struggle with it a lot, so when I say that you aren't a robot that can actuate perfect schedules, or a magician that can will the perfect environment for yourself, even I can understand that logic, but still WANT to be better. It's okay to feel the way you do, feel however you must, but keep your eyes pointed at your goal, regardless if you're moving towards it. You'll get back into the swing of things and soon this hiatus will be far in the past with no way of knowing to anyone that it even happened.


It’s ok bro everybody got busy things and stuff to do. Your not always going to have time to do does amazing scene’s that you make everyone should understand that so keep it up 👍