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HEY! WE MADE IT TO AUGUST! Also, known as my Birth Month as my bday is on the 31st! Can't wait! Anyways, onto the update!

1. We hit the 90 Patron Goal last month! So that means I'll have a Patreon Exclusive NSFW Speedpaint for this month! I've recorded my Mothra animation, so I'll be making my video with that! I'll try to make it a habit to record my art so I can make more exclusive videos! We'll see if I can put out another!

2. I'm making a Dragon Adoptable for each day of August for Smaugust! You can read more info about it HERE!! I really wanted to participate in this Art Challenge because... Dragons of course! 💕 I love the idea, so you'll see frequent dragon batches for sale!

You guys get a First Look of the designs and First Dibs! If they don't get claimed within a few days, they will be up for a Public Auction on my Furaffinity for 48 hours! (Yes, I changed the information because I prefer doing Auctions on FA and I felt 24 hours was too short!) Hope you are all excited for dragons because I sure am!

3. I'll keep doing Animated Polls! Sorry that this month's Poll Winner Animation, Mothra, was a little late! But I really, really enjoyed making it! I'll have an animated poll for this month, so seems like Animation Polls are here to stay!

4. Commissions are still Closed, Sorry! I'm still taking a break from Commissions, especially since this my Birth Month! Maybe afterwards, I'll take a few commissions from patrons! We'll see! For now, just check out my monthly Patreon YCHs!

5. Still streaming! I like doing streams, sorry that its not as often! I don't have AC for the summer, so my sleeping schedule is very wonky! I try to stream during the evening so its more convenient for everyone, a little scared to do it in the AM, but I may try it sometime.

I think that's about it. Hope I'm not forgetting anything! If I am, don't be afraid to remind me or ask about it!

Anyways, thank you so much to you guys! I really, REALLY Appreciate all the support you give me! Honestly, I wouldn't be here without ya! I'm planning to move out eventually with Rocko, and all the support gets me closer to that goal. It makes me so hopeful and happy! So thank you for that!

Also thanks for the support outside of Patreon! It really helps me out as a freelance artist as well! I'm just so appreciative of all of you, I don't know how to explain it!!

Thanks again! Hope you all have a wonderful month! And I'll see ya around!



oh! my birthday is on the 27! iOwO that's awesome