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Sorry again with the late update! I was just going through some personal things, but now I'm back better than ever!

1. Feedback Channel! I was thinking of adding a feedback channel to my discord. I feel like it's easier for people to communicate in our server! Might even a general feedback where everyone can get opinions on what they're working on! Stay tuned for that!

2. Short Break from streams! Like I said I was going through some stuff and might not be in the best condition to stream, so I'll take a week or two off from art/gaming streams. But I'll still be working on videos for the time being!

3. Commissions/YCHs! Sketch commissions will be open for longer! May update it in a week or so to add a different option than the basic sketch. And the price may be slightly higher, so it's better to get them now rather than later!

Also, think I will try animated or otherwise YCH! Though I can't guarantee I'll have one themed for the Holiday Season!


IMPORTANT: The selection is not random as I'm going down a list. I will choose either 1 New Patron and 2 Current Patrons or 2 New Patrons and 1 Current Patron! This is due to the uneven numbers and possible New Patrons that I don't wanna miss. I may have to select another Current Patron if there isn't any new ones.

You are considered "New" when you haven't had a sketch yet. “Current” Love/Lust Bats are patrons that been here for over a month, and already got one sketch.

💗 Love Bats that I'll be drawing for this month:

1. NULL Espeon  (New)
2. Taso'Karum (Current)
3. Segolia  (Current)

💖 Lust Bats that I'll be drawing for this month:

1. Bubonic (Current)
2. Bolt Chaser (Current)
3. Morgan Attaway (Current)

If you see your name, you're welcome to message me on Patreon or Discord with your character reference and ideas! Otherwise, I'll try to reach you either in a day or two!

I'll contact you through Patreon and/or Discord. Please reply to my response within 3 days otherwise I will have to chose another Patron for the reward.

5. Another big Thank you!!! Again, thank you for supporting me on Patreon! The support really motivates me to continue my passions. And thank you for sticking with me through the tough times! I also really appreciate your support outside of Patreon like Discord, Twitter, and FA! All those comments/retweets/likes mean a lot to me!

Anyways, I hope you have a great December! And a Happy New Year in advance!


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