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Early access lasts until Friday, April 12, 2024. The episode goes public on that day.

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They celebrate the night by playing games even more unhinged than usual, imbibing floral nectar, and dancing until every last person drops dead \o/

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Art style wise, recent episodes kept going from special to even more special. This's the last of them, and it properly wraps up the Titania arc. I thoroughly enjoyed doing these experiments, regular style just wouldn't have conveyed the intensity of WHATEVER IS GOING ON THERE, but now I'm looking forward to returning to the established style. Knowing how much and what exactly I have to draw saves me from the schedule/deadline anxiety. Still, I like how this episode's turned out, hope you like it too!



claire Smallwood

I wish we could have seen Vivi’s reaction to tall hot frog man Aenc Thon,


Oh I ADORE the change in art style here to reflect the whimsy and happiness of the fae now that the conflict had been resolved. The bright color palettes are wonderful, and it almost reminds me of a polished art style trying to imitate children's drawings. The night sky reminds me of the black Rainbow Scratch Paper, not to show my millennial lol. I think my favorite page is the overlook of the castle and surrounding lands. The pinks and purples contrasting with the dark rainbow black of the night sky is so pretty. You totally nailed the whimsical mood in your artstyle. Idk sorry to ramble, I'm not an artist and I know close to nothing about color theory, but I really appreciate the pages you made here, they're very well done.