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Early access lasts until Friday, August 18, 2023. The episode goes public on that day.

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A little girl bested Vivi with her left hand. Exarch's still impressed for some reason. (reason: oblivious fanboy)




Feo Ul sure knows Raha well, doesn't let him fully become a brooding old man.😁


You just can tell I've spent some time thinking when and how they met! I knew that they've spent at least a few decades together, the recently revealed lore from Encyclopedia Eorzea cemented my headcanon. Canon: the recently arrived to the First Exarch (or rather, G'raha, before becoming a city leader) goes away from the Tower for FOUR years. My hc: during these four years he becomes friends with Feo Ul \o/ So, they know each other pretty much for a century in Fragments.