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Hay guys. owo/ First off, I'm excited to show you this tiny, cropped sneak peek of a painting I'm hella proud of. It will be available to $5+ patrons just in a few days!

Secondly, as you've already heard, I was considering leaving for a commission-hiatus. Nothing will change in my usual activity, but I won't be available for commissions and monthly fanart polls for the next month or two. I must thank those who supported me with their kind words and wishes, it took a decent chunk of anxiety off my shoulders. Y'all are really caring and sweet. u_u

So, it affects all reward tiers in various ways.

$50 patrons won't see their guaranteed monthly commissions.

$5+ and $10+ patrons won't have access to the monthly fanart suggestion boxes.

$1+ patrons won't have fanart polls to vote on.

I deeply apologize, and tell you that you're free to edit your pledge or stop the patronage, for the duration of my hiatus or overall. Please don't feel obliged to stay, if you feel like you'll be missing your rewards. Of course I'll be happy to see you sticking with me, but only if it's not a big monetary loss for you.

On a brighter note, the rest of patreon activity remains the same! Monthly reward packs come as usual at 1st of each month, in full, and during the month, I will be sharing my WIP and tiny exclusive stuff as I've always been doing.

I want to be transparent and honest with you, so there it is. I need a major change of pace and a break. Most of the reasons are already explained in the previous post. I'm pretty sure it won't take me longer than 1-2 months to get better, for now I'll try to draw more personal stuff. No more feeling of guilt because I haven't drawn someone's commission yet. :'D Hold on, I still have to finish the stuff I owe. But after that, I'll enjoy being free for some time.



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