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For some reason I can't add pictures in the post body like I used to, here's a separate post for this one but I hope it's just a temporary glitch, I'd love to keep my big messy art log posts instead of spamming you guys.

And since I'm here talking anyway, let me send some lovehearts and kisses to the new patrons <3 Hi hello, I hope you enjoy your stay!!

Edit: seems like the patreon glitch's over and I can add more stuff to the post body again. I hereby appoint this post as a new art log \o/

Cursed emotes I made for my discord server tonight:

I was tricked by Discord into thinking that I can use the animated emotes in my server without a boost since it let me upload them.. Hah.. But they're greyed out oTL Ah well, at least I had fun animating this.

..And then I kept going.

One edgelord pic simply isn't enough.

I'm having way too much fun with these <w<

surprisingly light

surprisingly heavy

AedRaha C:


Lightwarden AU concepts.



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