Adopt stuff in rewards? (Patreon)
- Mostly none of you current patrons are interested in adopts (that's totally alright tho! <3)
- Adopt sneak peek and discount reward tiers aren't taken currently
- I don't post as much adopts as I used to when I launched Patreon, so these monthly discounts are pretty useless if there's no more than 1-2 adopts every month
- If I do post adopts, I repeatedly forget to do it several days in advance as it's promised in the rewards. Still can't get myself used to it. >A<
So.. I just wanted to warn everyone and possibly talk about it in case if someone still was interested in these rewards, especially discounts. If I proceed to removing the adopts from rewards overall, I'll keep posting their sneak peeks here regardlessly, and the first-claim right will stay, but as a reward for every patron no matter what tier they pledge to. Basically, just the discount will go.