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Someday I'll make a comic about Vivi and G'raha. This's a threat. >:Dc To think it's been just a month since I, uh, went completely nuts over their story. Like.. I enjoy FFXIV as a whole but my heart belongs in ShB setting and I think about my WoL Vivi and Exarch/G'raha alllllll the time.

So here's some early concepts for their story happening at mt. Gulg and onward. Emet-Selch shooting, then spiriting Exarch away would cause Vivi to lose control over the Light and start turning. I have this story beat figured out and know who and how saves and stabilizes him (it's not just Ryne, that'd be boring), but showing all my cards in a text post like this, where's the thrill in that >:9

Above pic is the latest concept, Vivi crawling back to Crystarium, after mt. Gulg and before the Tempest. Cheesy or not, I wanted him to look slightly like Exarch, so I gave him this cloak and corruption on the "mirror" side of Exarch's crystallized arm.

Earlier concepts:

Halo was meant to be half-formed but I think I'll ditch it because it'd be difficult to hide under the hood. Also why yes, he's basically a sacrier with gold :>

In the Tempest, irritated and impatient to move on from the fish folk chores, Emet and Exarch are out there somewhere, dammit! Vivi controls his half-corrupted self and acts almost normal, given his appearance it's supposed to feel bizarre.

And then he becomes a Gainax protagonist :D I'm pretty much experimenting with everything, from character designs to art style at this point. It ain't easy figuring out a comic =A=

I may or may not post these publicly someday, they're more like my personal notes, raw concepts, a phase in a bigger work, but I'm giddy about this whole thing and maybe some of you like seeing this behind-the-scenes kinda stuff too. This's the purpose of my patreon after all \o/

Edit: and unrelated to the comic, just an Exarch doodle.



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