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We've had the discord server goal for a while now, it's at $400/month, and evidently nowhere near complete :'D But I think I'll be looking into it regardlessly. Here's a WIP sneak peek (yes light mode 'cause dark modes hurt my eyes for some reason)

What to expect: 

- Server and generic art feed access open to anyone

- Cool secret patreon section which basically will duplicate the feed from here + you can chat with me

- New "base subscription" system (speaking of these art bases) which sort of gives you a voucher equal to your monthly pledge, you can pick bases matching this pledge. Example: for a $5/month pledge, you could pick a $4 + $1 base for free. The "voucher" won't stack/carry over to next month since it'd be a nightmare to keep track of. More details later o/

- Possibly some exclusive raffles/giveaways to attract more people to both discord and patreon

- VERY TENTATIVELY FOR NOW: new pledge tier around $30-40/month, with a choice of a custom exclusive base (as opposed to premade bases I sell to an expanding amount of users) or a smol commission slot. These WILL stack/carry over to next month, but WON'T stack in intensity so to say, i.e. if I offer a monthly chibi commission for these $30-40 and you don't order it until you have $60-80 stacked from two months, you'll have two chibi slots, it won't turn into fullbody or something else. I need to think this through, no promises @_@

I've only started working on it today, thought I'd occupy myself with at least something while I'm still useless - mentally recovering from yet another meeting with my landlady, whose apartment I now live in. It's nice and I'm personally all settled but she keeps visiting to pick up some stuff, and, being meself, I'm useless for an entire day if I have to put on my performative-self-irl.. u_u

Edit: this's actually sooooo entertaining o3o

Edit: I've been doing these small shy steps towards drawing again.. Turns out trying something new like making emotes can help fighting artblock and whatever else I'm currently suffering from :'D

Here's first AhoWave attempt that I've scrapped, and the second one that I'm likely gonna use:



Guy McPerson

Ha, alright. Pretty quality stuff. :)