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Yesterday got the idea for the traditional final OCtober pic, done today \o/ Still 9 more pics to go before posting this though. Dude I had such a blast working on this. Canon genderbend potion time!

^ Sutoface looks all glitchy because I kept moving parts of the sketch around while linearting, sorry about that 8'D

^ Prior to this step, I was slightly nervous/unsure about the coloring. Calmed down right away, it was only a matter of time at that point, already had a clear idea in my head :D

Fun fact for those who patiently scrolled all the way down: in a normal, non-genderbent situation, Sen feels 100% safe around Suto since he's as interested in girls as that boulder near the road. However, male!Sen isn't quite safe x'DD But nah he won't do anything nasty :P



Guy McPerson

I'm pretty sure the nasty-doingness is already in progress, starting from the moment the bending happened. Whelp. :D


Nah, Suto won't actually do anything :P Just looking ominous for a mo!