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As a little silly tradition I draw my babies having summer fun while I'm.. Not.. =w=;;; This time I wanna lump together a few ideas that I've already had for a while. Isn't gonna be a quick job done in one sit 8D 

Very primitive and schematic for now.

^ This one is supposed to be about getting stuff outta haven bags. Not sure if I wanna keep this or have another try.

^ Leave it to the pros.

^ Purposely ridiculously fluffy-sparkly-animelike. Reunion of the siblings /o/

^ Was among the first roughs I've done, difficult to pull off, might change later. Supposed to be a night bonfire scene.

^ Random Sencha spotlight :9

^ Cold after spending forever in the sea.

^ Cold and wet hands go brrrrr


^ Deciding who sleeps where to keep it nice and quiet.



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