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Redrawing Sailormoon is very trendy nowadays, I've noticed a particular screenshot going around, today after seeing yet another redraw I kinda felt like doing it /o/ I tried looking at the original as little as possible to keep most of my personal touch so to say.

Her right cheek kept bothering me so I slightly edited it afterwards, final-final version is the main pic in the post.


And a tegaki doodle from earlier today, coincidentally Sailormoon as well. 

....I was rusty haha oTL




I like your redraw more than original c:

Guy McPerson

I concur, the redraw is quite good. It also conveys an entirely different feel than the original. Yours is more "Help me up, stupid, will ya" with a pout. The original is more "ah shit, half the team just got blown up." :D