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Cleaning up the comic, or more precisely, animatic that I started yesterday. It's not gonna be too polished as you see, but maybe in flat color. Here's like 1/4 of what I have doodled out.. I feel like saying "storyboarded" or "thumbnailed" is too pro for me x'DD

You may start guessing the plot, it's 100% comedy btw :>




I'm guessing that the ground is like 50 cm underneath them x'D


Super close to truth! They're both on the ground actually, I'll post the next batch soon :P

Guy McPerson

That level of drama either requires grand scenes or comedy skits. So wisely chosen either way. :D

Guy McPerson

(Meanwhile I'm not quite into the loading times these multi-image posts have. Loading each thumbnail one after another to read them takes a couple seconds each, disturbing the flow)