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Okay guys, I spent this month bouncing back and forth between "yeah I should free myself from this" and "nope I'd better keep things as they are because it comforts me in a way". I'm talking about Patreon rewards to payment ratio. It's not the first time I'm raising this topic, and despite my continued efforts to explain why it's so important to me and attract new patrons, we haven't really moved from the dead point.

I made a post showing that basically we've never grown past ~$150 per month. Tried listing all the perks of being a patron, and just asked to help motivate me to keep going with OC art and fanarts. I must thank the new patrons that listened and joined. You guys are the best. ;w; However, it's still not enough.

My life has been a huge mess recently, as some of you may know. I've been under enormous stress pressure + now I need to earn twice as much every month. I'm holding up, earning that $700~900 just fine, but, with the increased amount of work, I started questioning the amount of work I put into Patreon, for [now measly] ~$150. It's just.. Not profitable anymore. When I needed just $400~500 monthly, it was a nice backup. Now it's a chore that doesn't pay for itself. I'm sorry. I chose giving you rather a lot of various rewards and bonuses for your monthly support, but currently I have to take some of those away, in order to free myself up from some stress.

I chose not to delete reward tiers, so that if you still wish to support me, you can. The only thing that goes is the monthly reward packs, everything else stays. So:

- suggestion box + poll

- $50 tier experimental commission

- unscheduled WIPs, fullsize works, doodles

ALL OF THIS STAYS. I'm only stopping releasing monthly reward packs for the time being. What means, they could be back someday. I need a break from them, currently there's too much other work that is actually being paid for. I'll change the pledge descriptions before April 30.

Any questions, concerns, comments are welcome. You're free to leave or edit your pledge if you don't like the monthly reward packs being removed.

About the content of these reward packs, i.e. will I still be drawing OC stuff of such quality? I won't give promises, but if I feel like drawing anything cool, patrons will see it first and in a high resolution, just like in a reward pack. C: I'm just not binding myself to a strict monthly schedule anymore. Let's see how it goes.



I think it's a nice compromise, and I'm happy you're not going to delete triers completly ^^ I hope it'll help you a little with stress and give you some extra time for other things.