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Well, they don't roll out the fee changes that we all were angry about. https://blog.patreon.com/not-rolling-out-fees-change/

All we got so far is this blog entry, while creators have already lost patrons, myself included. I was gonna close my Patreon entirely if they applied the new fees on December 18th. Now.. I'm staying and seeing if it's worth it. You guys can decide to stick with me here, to return if you removed your pledge recently, or not return if you don't trust Patreon anymore. Neither do I, honestly, but this measly $150 is still an important backup for me. oTL 



I heard they are going to send a message out to people that left making it easy for them to re pledge easily


Yeah, another question is if people would want to re-pledge, now it's not just about the artist they're pledging to, but also about the entire service (Patreon) that killed its own reputation..

Adrian Contreras

This whole Patreon debacle sure was a shit show that cost a lot of good people money. No amount of corporate platitudes will fix that, unfortunately. Now as I put away my soapbox I just wanna say that just like all the other fine folks here, i'm staying for the long haul. If you end up having to drop patreon and move on to another funding model, i'll support you there too. I'm not terribly vocal here, and i'm sure 5 bucks is not a lot...but i'll support you in any way I can, Aho.


Thank you for voicing your opinion anyway! It's greatly appreciated, no, seriously, I'm happy when my patrons or even non-patrons talk to me. ;w; However 5 bucks alone isn't much, this tier is popular on my Patreon, you and the other $5 guys actually pay for my food. C: