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I'm constantly thinking about one, sadly, unpleasant thing: currently I don't really get paid for the two fanarts (suggestion boxes + polls) I draw for you every month. It's not your fault since you guys are already my patrons, rather, this fanart system is designed for a larger patron number which I still didn't accumulate.

So I'll be cutting down the quality/time spent on the monthly fanart doodles. They aren't exactly doodles right now.. I love y'all and I've been trying my best for you, which resulted in overworking myself for the nonexistant payback. Until I get to at least $300~350 per month, I won't be spending as much time on the monthly fanarts anymore. Hope for your understanding.



I hate to be "that guy", but lowering your art quality is probably the last thing you should do. I understand and I'm aware that you have a very difficult time, but you're sending a message that says "hey guys, give me money so you'll get... something that's less than what I usually do". Yeah, that's not a great pitch for newcomers. :/