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Early access lasts until Friday, May 10, 2024. The episode goes public on that day.

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Songs will be sung about the tragedy that befell the Kingdom of Rainbows on that dreadful day.

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This concludes the Il Mheg arc! It took 13 episodes which doesn't sound like much from the binging pov, but going through it real-time felt like forever. Fears and insecurities that people might get bored of it were my constant unwelcome companions, but I persevered, and I thank everyone else who did ;w; Personally I have a fondness for the fae (you probably could tell by now), and so does Vivi. 

Wanna dive into what counts as ancient history by now? I made this minicomic in February 2022, when Vivi was 1 month old as a character. His affinity with the fae folk came to be way before many other traits. My head spins now, looking back at where it all started, and how deeply integrated his connection with Feo Ul has become over the years.

I had no idea about Vivi's chemistry with the Scions back then, now the one who constantly drags Vivi's ass back to work is Alisaie, and Thancred to a lesser degree x'D




It's always so delightful to read your comics and see your art waaaa 🥹 also thancred is so done with this bullshit and I love it


Thank you ;w; Your comment made my morning, now I'm properly energized as I begin working on another episode.

Memento Moe

Okay the old version is hialrious, but it's also funny to see how little his character (and this scene) has changed over the years. Also those extra-anime eyes, I love them so much.


The one big difference between these versions is Feo Ul's presence, now they act as a personification of Vivi's selfish wants. It's not like he can't voice them on his own, but I like having someone else, importantly, from the First, agree with him and validate all of this \o/