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Heya folk! My biggest apologies for taking so long on the next pages!!

Been real frazzled the past few weeks, finances, hosting a certain hungry Yeen for a couple of weeks, along with the LVFC stuff, I've been spread real thin and this month is definitely 'catch up' time!💦💦💦

NOT TO WORRY, THE COMIC IS STILL BEING WORKED ON 💕 I have NO intention of stopping , not to fear! The next couple of pages are being worked on now and should be up real soon! 💕

Also making sure I also have consistent content for you guys that's more then just the comic as well, that way you can have a variety of fatty flavors✨🍴

Thank you to those who've been sticking around as long as you have, I greatly appreciate it 💕

💕 Truly💕



No worry we all understand your situation we are patients


Understandable papa just happy to hear you doing ok and hope you don’t over work yourself ^^