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I've finally begun the render on the Public version of CODE BLUE, it took a little longer than I would have hoped to make some much needed improvements from the NSFW Version, which will eventually make their way into said version when I re-render that layer like planned, and some additions to the overall quality like the deformation of the underwear.

It'll take about 2-3 days to render as expected, so a Tuesday/Wednesday release is most likely, Thursday if it takes slightly longer than expected to edit.

Another thing I've been considering is skipping the updated Cloth Simulation version of Code Blue to focus on the next project. I just don't think the cloth simulation will be worth the effort and time to implement and then re-release. Sure it'd look cool, but this animation just wasn't really a good start for it, and I'd rather direct more of my time and energy into a much better project more suited for cloth simulation.

I've got some big plans for the next animation, mainly a location change. The next animation will no longer be in the Berry Fields, I've got a new location in mind that allows for some ideas I really wanna try, especially now that I can focus on individual shots rather than the entire continuous animation with my workflow adjustment ideas. I just feel the Berry Field is kind of a blank slate that you can throw anything in, kind of like what Code Blue became.

Code Blue was mainly just a basic expansion animation, I wanted Soon TM to be a longer, more detailed animation rather than just a location and a person that happens to expand in it.

I want a crowd, I want cloth tearing, I want to do another chair thing like I did with the CobaltRev pic, I want interactions, and I want the expansion to affect the environment too, and this new location opens it up to those kinds of things unlike the Berry Field.

I'm gonna start working on the storyboard as this renders and planning the shots out so I can get to work. I'll share more here soon when I've got stuff to share, it'll probably be the updated shape-keys first since I can definitely improve the ones in Code Blue, then I'll probably share the storyboard details, but I'll leave you all a little hint for the
new location I have planned until then. I'll leave the location details in next weeks TPS reports.


Jack Summer

Surely It'd be good to practice cloth sim now on an existing animation? I'd hate to see the cloth sim version die!


It'd be good practice, but I think the underwear is enough, the cloth sim doesn't add a ton to the animation overall, and would require a near full re-render for the visible reflections, and it would end the same as the original versions too with the underwear. I just think it'd be wiser to direct more attention to an animation that uses the cloth sim smarter and is actually implemented into the animation, rather than it just being there.

MATT-AT 3000 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-25 04:01:23 I'm super stoked to hear about this & good for you for not being complacent & trying new things, testing yourself & your skill set boundaries. It's a sign of an imaginative creator & I'd say that's rare these day's.
2022-11-22 02:49:28 I'm super stoked to hear about this & good for you for not being complacent & trying new things, testing yourself & your skill set boundaries. It's a sign of an imaginative creator & I'd say that's rare these day's.

I'm super stoked to hear about this & good for you for not being complacent & trying new things, testing yourself & your skill set boundaries. It's a sign of an imaginative creator & I'd say that's rare these day's.