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Hey dudes! The files are being sent via DM shortly, including the newest inked page. I'd hoped to have a color page in as well but the colorist is running late. I should have 2 new color pages up next month though (fingers crossed!).

So lets talk UPDATE! 

The good news: I'm still setting up the Discord channel, I really just need to add everyone to it, shouldn't take too long. As usual, I've had a busy month with personal stuff and work stuff on top of everything so it sort of took a back seat. That said I'm hoping to get it up this week!!

The bad news: Someone has been distributing Holly Hills illegally and without my permission! Hooray! If this was you: You're a cunt :D 

I hope you guys understand that everything I produce here is eventually (quite slowly) put up on my website for free. That's part of the deal. Always has been. I do this because: A.) Not everyone can pay for this stuff, B.) As a form of advertising for my Patreon

Now you might wonder "Well why would you be mad then if you're going to put it up for free anyway?" Easy: Because I never allowed ALL of the comic to be released right now. Normally the pages are released 1-2 months after they're released here. Also, because I wasn't the one releasing it. Also, because the post in question has 300+ downloads and I only have 80+ Patrons.

Do we see the disparity?

I realize 99.999999999% of you guys are cool as heck and wouldn't do something like this. I fucking appreciate the hell out of every single one of you for being so great, but when this happens it's really disheartening and just straight up not cool.

Anyway Sorry for the rant. Back to our scheduled programming.




Sometimes you get fans that are a little too thirsty. It’s unfortunate. Especially when the artist does great work.


I'm sorry to hear this. Keep up the good work. And don't forget about my commission.


That is some grade A dickery. I know the artist Mangrowing has the same problem.


Every should Support U


Yeah it’s no fun. I reported it so here’s to hoping it’s down now!


Thanx. I get that people can’t afford to support all the stuff they like, but I really sucks when I’m already trying to help wit that.