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Hey guys!

I’m here with a big fat update! The work on the short story is almost done, I only have one small cover piece finished for it, but am hoping to get some sketches at least to accompany the writing before posting it.

I am thinking of transitioning this pretty baby to a Monthly Patreon! I am heavily leaning towards it in fact, but want to run it by everyone first because it would change the amount you guys pay, hopefully for the better. I’ve noticed quite a few people quit being patrons after an update or two a month (you guys know you can edit your pledges to not give more than X amount, right?), but I also know that some people are hesitant to support pay-per-post Patrons, which I completely understand. Now, bare with me guys... The new tiers would look something like this:

  • $1 - Same as always. Undying gratitude and access to the Patreon feed.
  • $5 - Early Access to comic pages, Pin-Ups, Stories, Etc.
  • $10 - Access to Hi Res versions of the $5 tier.
  • $20 - Access to Hi Res version plus .PSD’s of said materials.

And on top of all that I’m thinking of opening up a Discord channel for all levels.

I know you’re thinking “Wait, what happened to the $2.50 tier?!” Well, $2.50 patrons would become $5 monthly patrons. Patrons who were previously $5 would become $10. I’ve noticed that quite a lot of you are actually paying MORE than that per month with my per-post updates, so this would technically be a more steady, slightly lower payment on your parts. This will also help me prevent against people bailing on payments (which doesn’t happen a lot, you guys have been so amazing! But when it does, it stings).

However, I realize some of you likely wont want to do this, in which case you are more than welcome to adjust your pledge! I don’t want to bump anyone out and want to make this as smooth and transparent as possible. This wouldn’t go in effect until NEXT month (May 2019).

I would like to know your thoughts in the comments! For it, against it, you name it, but please be civil and reasonable. I’d like to hear your guys’ opinions!

Lastly: COMMISSIONS! They are OPEN!

I’ll likely do a separate post for everyone to keep track of easily, but I’m opening up commissions! Some people have been messaging me about them lately, so you can find all the info you need here: https://poizen.me/hexamous

There are 5 slots open for the time being so hop on if you want one!



Maybe posting this during the GoT premier wasn’t the best idea lol! 😂


Go for it. It wouldn't really be anymore than what we're already paying, and it makes things easier for you. Can't wait to read the story. Will it be downloadable?


Commissions open I believe you have my attention


Yep! It will be a .PDF. I’m thinking it will be a little barebones at first, just a cover and the text, then I’ll update it later with a few interior illustrations :)