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Alright, long winded post ahead, mostly about how huge of an idiot I am, I've been beating myself up over it all day/night so please don't be too harsh guys haha...

Let's get right to it, shall we? I locked myself out of my own fucking iPad today. Any of you who own an current gen iPad or iPhone know exactly what that means. Restore. Erase. Goodbye. This isn't a huge problem for iPhone as I back it up somewhat more regularly than the iPad (understatement). Guess when the last time I backed up my iPad was guys???

5/26/(drumroll please) 2016!

That's right. Literally an entire YEAR's worth of work in Procreate gone in an instant because I decided to change my password and forget it a week later. I am the ultimate fool. Really, this might be the dumbest thing I've ever done. Ever. In my life.

I'm really really really trying to look at the bright side of this, fresh start! New beginnings! Update those stanky old comics! But I had like 4 or 5 semi-finished pencilled comics that I was really getting into because I just finished up my day-job work finally. I'd fully, completely, penciled the Overflowing Milk Maid comic I posted about awhile ago, and now only a few pages from that remain. It was good too, and fresh!

Anyway... ugh. Luckily some of those comics done in Procreate were basically built on the bones of old Manga Studio files I had, so I'll just need to Frankenstein them and build them back up from those bones again. It's not gonna be fun. But hopefully I can streamline them more!? That's what I'm trying to tell myself.

And maybe this time I'll learn from my fucking dumb mistakes and write down my goddamn passwords!

All that crap aside, I'm hoping to start posting some inked lettered stuff I have from an older comic. It's he lettering that's the pain in the ass but I found a cool app on iPad that makes it a million times easier than on manga studio, plus it looks more professional.

Anyway, that's my shit right now. I'm sorry for the lack of updates, it might be a bit but I'm so grateful for you guys for hanging on here! I really want to update more and I'm gonna try to, even if they aren't paid updates (which this totally isn't, it would be silly).

There are huge tits on the horizon, I promise your patronage will be rewarded soon gentlemen.



Can't you go to the Apple store or speak with customer service to get your account back? Unless you already restored it, that is.


I already restored it :/ But they actually won't unlock it for you, it's part of their weird policy which is one of the most frustrating parts. Even if I bring them proof that I own it I don't think they'd be aloud to.