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Merry Crimbo you lovely lot! Rebecca From Cyberpunk Edgerunners was tough as I low key hate her palette XD! Don't forget to check your 'MESSAGES INBOX' for the download links. Also anyone who has joined this month can expect their rewards packs to be sent at the start of Jan (around the 5th!

As ever you can grab me live on https://Twitch.tv/mikeymegamega or in my Discord for any questions and a cuppa tea! https://discord.gg/eZaXbv8

And of course all you lovely $1 Supporters can access the Tutorials Reference pack anytime here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1W6miCx4bVBz8ANgUUc1AfUpGGr2kD6Iz?usp=sharing

Kind regards!




Kevin Thomas

Hey Mikey. I’m not getting any updates on the packs you’ve sent out