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Hey guys! Instead of another email reminder I thought I'd try a quick explanation post! 

Welcome on in! The way it usually works is that you receive a message with your rewards downloads links around the 5th of the month after you join. (So If you join in Jan you'd expect a message around Feb 5th!)

BUT - I'm running a bit behind and still catching up which is causing delays. I've just sorted the October packs and working on the next fanart set - So sorry for the wait but also thankyou for your patience! regardless of if you stay or leave you will still receive your pack it's all good!^^

So in the mean time I just wanted to share the HQ Resident Evil 8 Tall Lady images right here in the feed so that anyone who has just joined has something to get immediately while they wait for the actual full pack, and of course ALL Patrons can grab the updated tutorials reference pack from the top post on this page at any time!

Messages you have sent me: Massive backlog, and I'm focusing on on the rewards before working through them, but if there is anything desperate I'm often live on twitch to talk to!

Thanks for reading!





Bro I love you art tutorials and all but why is the resident evil vampire lady so popular so suddenly?


Hey if anyone can answer this, If i do the champion's pack for donation i get all the previous tiers included or do i have to buy each individually?

Mi'raj Kha



no worries. I just joined near the end of January. So them catch up emails are gonna be like a nice gift bomb of Mikey content. I'm cool with being patient. 😁


Just a quick question! As I joined on 1st Feb, I will have to wait till 5th march to get my pack, right?


Hi New Here, where do we get access to your archive work? are these packs worksheets or what do these packs exactly include?


Hi! links to the worksheets are in the top pinned post on the page - > the actual rewards packs are sent around the 5th of the following month and contain that month's stuff, plus the previous 2 months stuff as well in case you just missed anything - stuff older that that will eventually go on gumroad but currently once its gone its gone!


Hi I am new I joined last month. And I haven’t yet received my February rewards. Can I have an update please.


Mikey, please re-send me the rewards for my tier, please. My account has been disabled last week and Patreon deleted all my messages. That may be the reason why I still haven't received any rewards from u.


Where are we supposed to receive the rewards?! I'm here since mid january and havent received anything yet? Thanks anyone :)


I dont receive nothing yet :(


Bruh what happened to the discord?


my subscription ends on March 1st and I did not receive anything :"v F...


Well guys , today's end my subscription, and everything he promised to show were never delivered, see you guys never :'v


I have been participating since 2020. I pay $ 20 a month, but I haven't received any rewards yet.


So is it every month members get a package? I see a lot of "didn't receive rewards" and that's a bit worrying.


Been a sub for a good 2-3 months? No rewards nothing love you mikey but ill support you on YT


Hi All :)