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Hi everyone - A Quick post to say I've had a challenging month with some bits sorry August went quiet! It's all sorted so I'm just warming back up with some sketching atm before I get back to work.

Its not ideal of course, so just a heads up I'm on Twitch for a bit warming up drawing and it's a great place to chase/chastise me live about Patreon stuff if you have any concerns! As for your messages on here I will be going through them and sorting stuff accordingly but I want to get all the art out first.

Long story short thanks for being so cool but also I totally get it so if you're a bit miffed I don't mind you @ing me!





Was just watching your “A page of faces ramble.”


Yay, more content to come. Never miffed, figured there would be a reason


You've got your own life to deal with, it would be rude if I were "miffed" about that!


Hey np man everyone has things going on in their lives, so make sure to take care of yourself first. Take all the time as your health takes priority when it comes to these things. I've been using your tutorials to improve my art over time so thanks for those man. Hope you are doing well now and having a good day.


Hey! ♡ Glad to hear from you, it's great to know your okay! Take your time! We shall continue to follow the Mikey-verse!


Mikey I love you and I love your art work. It kills me to say this but you gotta step your game up mate. I know things happen in life and sometime you just don’t have the time or don’t want to deal with tasks. Mate you got this I know you can do better and I’ll be happy to see future stuff from you. Just make some tea or coffee and get it done 💪🏼






Sorry, but I just can’t support you anymore. I’ve paid for six months now without once receiving any rewards. Your stuff is great, but there comes a point where it just doesn’t make sense anymore. Good luck man.


He isn't joking, I've paid 2 months so far and haven't received anything that the tier offers..


Been here over a year. At this point it's marketing strategy. Hold previous rewards hostage so you keep paying. I'm out.