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Hi guys - Just to let you know Once I finish Jaina Proudmoore Ill be dropping the July and August rewards, (along with the April Sekiro pack as part of the catchup) pretty much alltogether. This means no new joiners will be waiting for anything that I'm behind on, while i still fill in the last missing 3 months for the super patient people!

Reminder regardless if you stayed or left, you will get your packs sent the moment I do them, and soon my horrible behind nature will be long behind us!

Also Ive got a fiar few messages from you - Ill be going through them all once I get the packs out.

Then the last section for me are the 'extras' that go into the Hardcore Crewe tier, also on my agenda!

Apologies for being so behind, but its all getting closer to being sorted, and I'm sure plenty of you are not best pleased by the wait and that's totally cool - just message me if you haven't already!

Much Love, 





Thanks for the heads up Mikey.


Thanks mikey keep up the good work looking forward to it


Thanks for the update lad


Don't care bout the pack just glad your back.


Thanks for the update, love your work!


Thanks for the update. I’m a fan of your work and I am really looking forward to your content. I’m at the $20 tier. I do I receive the old packs and get access to the old videos?


Great sketch work!


Hi Mikey, joined at the end of march 19. Did not get any rewards so far... Or rewards for March-August were not send?


I new to this patreon stuff, so I need just seat and wait for reward come to me thats all?


It's sad that the Tatsumaki art got him in some heat with YouTube's idiocity