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Heyo! Except for the HC Crewe who get things differently - The January Rewards packs are all out as part of the catch-up! If you joined/supported in January and have not received your message, let me know!^^ 

PS - Some of you lovely lot have been popping me general questions on here and in messages, I am seeing them just bear with before I get on a replies run! Don't want you to think I'm just blanking you lot! XXX




Hey Im a hero Patreon and really become one so I could learn using your reference sheets but I haven't received a link to it or anything!? Can anyone help me, I might just be a patreon of someone else at this rate, I have waited a week.


It just seems so unorganised, you should have a drop box or something with all your content for patreons. Hmm,


Hmm fuck it im cancelling, I will still follow you dude. Love your youtube but i am pretty skint as it is and i feel like you advertised access to reference sheets to entice us into becoming patrons and a week later ive seen nothing from you. Infact all i see if people complaining that you aren't doing what you promised on time or anything. You are an amazing artist, sounds like you may need to get your priorities in check though. It's a simple fix. Anyway good luck, all the best.


I agree with Maximilian King on this, it's the same with me as well. My financial priorities are changing and if I'm just shelling out money and you're just wasting my money and not producing or keeping up what features and Rewards that your Patreon is failing to deliver on in a timely manner, then I'll have to go back to either WLOP or SakimiChan or other Creators out there who have NSFW as well as Safe-For-Work artworks/Rewards and features!


I'm leaving as a financial supporter, but I'll still Follow your work, in the meantime, I expect any and ALL monthly Rewards and Artwork Posts to be emailed to me with a link to download them to my computer!


You have no clue what is going on in his personal life and good art takes time he may not be able to do this full time as he may have an alternate job you dont know the whole story and its personal so you do not need to know the whole story he is making progress and is only 4 rewards behind even major manufacturers have set back to make them behind schedule be understanding besides if your shelling out money to get something in return then your doing it for the wrong reasons you should be doing it to promote his talent and his passion to teach his craft I'm sure he has inspired many and will continue to inspire more that is what your money should go to not getting rewards


100% agree with lollipopin


You tell 'em! I support Mikey because he got me started. Of course the art work is a good bonus, but the gift of learning to draw doesn't have a price tag.


I still don't have an e-mail with anything, I should have received 2 links by know, with at least the past month rewards, but at this point I have already cancelled the pledge and I would like a $20.00 refund as I haven't received what was promised. Your 6 moths behind, at what point do you stop taking money from pleaders and start to deliver on the tiers... I'm not donating money I'm paying for a service.


by know? Seriously? I think you meant to type "by now", but then you people don't try to spell on purpose because you are what many are calling "The Lazy Generation" and "The Uneducated Generation"! At least I put forth actual effort to spell correctly because at least I do care about being understood what I'm saying online and I do spell correctly on a consistent basis!