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..Watch this space!




Have the February packs been sent out yet?


And january^


I haven't got match pack or this month packs sigh


When will the pack be released to the ones that pledge about a week ago? Cause I pledge but I'm just wondering when?


So question what are these rewards I heard about I'm a new patreon


Sorry Mikey, I have to stop being a patreon. You are so far behind schedule that it is getting ridiculous. You are a good artist but I don't see how you can become a professional if you can't even draw one picture per month.


Tommaso Barba, this is, of course, your decision to stay here or not. But do not talk about MIKEYMEGAMEGA. Since MIKEYMEGAMEGA is a very good artist and artists usually draw when inspiration comes.


You need to relax. This is patreon, it's not about buying a service, its about supporting an artist or creater or who ever. There is no requirement for Mikey to do anything, it would be disappointing but there is no requirement. You need to re think why you use patreon. MIKEYMEGAMEGA, IF YOU READ THIS THERE IS NO PRESSURE ON YOU TO DO ANYTHING! keep being wonderful you :)


@Sean Cowell- You are mistaken. MikeyManga made an offer to provide a specific and regular set of offerings for a monthly payment via patreon- that is a legally binding contract in most countries because it satisfies all the points of an bargain and an agreement. The person getting peeved isn't the problem. MikeyManga created an expectation- and that expectation isn't being met with in regularity. This is Mikey's fault.


@Sean Cowel-- having said that, my suggestion to Mikey, is that he satisfy his obligations by changing his offering, and hence the expectation. He should provide previously issued rewards to newer patrons who have not receive them- this satisfies Mikey's obligation, without creating increased effort. Simple solution.