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Hey guys, with the exception of the HC Crewe (who get things a little differently), everyone who was a Patron in November should have received their rewards packs (with some old-school extras thrown in). 

Let me know if you have not received a message with the download links - but bear in mind this is just for Patrons who joined or supported in November! The rest is coming!




How do I get the pack


So just making sure since I joined in January that means I won’t the link right


Correct, as a Jan joiner, you should expect your links around the 5th of Feb - but that will likely shuffle back a bit as I bully through the months leading up!


Ok thanks for clearing things up for me Mikey


i didnt get a download link


in my message


I think I joined in November or December but is there any way to check the exact date I joined ?


Wait I found out I joined around October and I haven’t gotten the pack


Hi did you have a different account? I can see you joined Patreon in Feb, but this is in regards to people from last November!^^


Was I supposed to have gotten the Gwen set as well? I was charged Nov, Dec, Jan, and Feb.


hey mikey i cancel my (due to funds) 2 or 3 months ago and cant see any links

Spirit Radio

I dont think I got this? I remember joining when I saw the Ashe piece you drew but with the way Patreon has reshuffled things i dont know what i've missed or just lost completely -_-


i have been sub for 2 months since the spider-gwen was in progress, but i haen´t gotten any messages.


I became a patron in November but I have not received a pack, is it possible that this is because I ceased to be the patron of the March? (sorry for my English. I'm from Russia). Oops, my first payment was in December, but still, Will i get packs if i doesn't a patron anymore?


Hey is there a way to get this pack belated? For some additional cash or something similar?


My email is now copicsketchlover@gmail.com, but still no email that has the attached link to the reward(s)!


Eu não recebe


Where do i download worksheet


Hey Mikey, i just joined and i thougt i'd be able to get some worksheets without having to ask for them, but eh? Here i am asking for them, i could use all the help i can get thanks, and would love all the things you'd allow to throw my way, thanks. I've watched almost all your vids on youtube, and now i need moar :)


I haven't been getting any of these packs in my messages since June 7th. Any updates on how to get them these days?


soy nuevo en esto como obtengo las recompensas


im sorry for my english im new in this can you tell me how to get the rewards or if i can get it or, i dont know wich level i have to be to get it


Do I still get the November rewards even though I joined today the Nov 22?