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A Lightning on Hope Video

Runtime: 10:13

Futa with Male until the 5m mark

Futa on Male starts at the 5m mark

sorry this took nearly 4 months, everything i needed to do ended up taking MUCH more time than expected.  please dont ever expect a video this long again








omg dude, it finally finished. time to dig into this.


Heck yeah Absolutely stunning. Very well done!



Wil G

You succeed. Good job Chief. And just like Sakurai says, "Never again."


finally isnt strong enough. fuckin finally is more like it, hahaha


Congrats! Looking forward to watching!


Welcome back to patreon again! I've missed your regular updates so much, even though I knew you were alive and well on twitter haha.


i kinda forgot how everything works since its been so long, hahaha. and i missed constatly makin new stuff, so hopefully from now on itll be more frequent uploads (funny you say that since people thought i was dead XD)


This is a very big work. I'm happy to see your new work.


yeah, it was tough as fuck. it took like, 2 weeks alone just for her face. it was torture


At the end of it all, you've succeeded. It was a long video worth waiting for! :D As always you've got my full support for any project you're working on. <3


Absolutely fantastic work! The details in the animation are great :)


Now there’s gotta be one with Lightning and 2B. If that’s possible but time to upgrade tiers :)


it is so far, which is weird since i felt like it was to dirty XD


oops, i hit enter, hahaha, i ment to say thanks, so thank you


i cant do another , no way, its too difficult for me, but thank you


Love it!


thank you


This was super worth the wait! We now have the definitive Lightning animation


if only it was made wen i was more familiar with blender XD thank you though


Now that's what I call a full body massage, masterpiece!


thanks. that was the original title for months btw, "Lightning's Full-Body Futanari Massage" XD i changed the title just minutes before uploading this


That was definitely worth the wait, you really outdid yourself! All the details made it super immersive, watching it brought the same sort of amazement to me like the first time I saw any sort of (good) Taker PoV. I'm really blown away. :D


Omg i love it so much ❤


Our Lord has graced us with yet another gift.


You did an amazing job on this one, Esk. It's plain to see the love and care you treat Lightning with whenever you make an animation with her, and even though it was no doubt painful, you made something special with this one. It's not often you see a scenario with this much intimacy between the characters, and you even made it so that both people got their 'Happy Ending'. Even if you dont make another animation that is this long, do you think you'll make one in the future thats about as long as the one you did with 2B? I think it was called "Through the eyes of 9s".


i try to give her special treatment XD. thank you, i have no idea though because my stuff is now gonna be animated in sfm, but ported to blender. theres alot of new limitations and extra work, so it is going to change how things are done in the future now. i cant even do camera cuts without running into blender problems, so stuff will have to be shorter, unless blender gets an update to work easier with sfm


Gotcha dude. Can't wait to see what else you cook up regardless of the length :D. Cheers


Hi I just wanted to ask if there is supposed to be sound with the video and if so does anyone have any idea why I can hear anything, thank you

Zephyr E. Levin

So... Not exactly a fan of Futa X Male vids, but I won't deny that it probably feel glorious to get down on some oilplay w/ Light. 👍

zhi jin

this is really amazing! with hands moving and dk growing i can almost tell what he think. few movie maker pay attention to details these days. good job, brailliant work!


this is some of the best animated hentai work I have ever seen, Breat work Esk0, i trilled to see what else you can craft in the future.


thank you, it was half a year of work and ment to be my final sfm video, so i wanted to go out with sumthin big, haha

Renegade Shackleford

Wow dunno how I missed this gem 😘 thanks n keep it up


it was my biggest video i ever did to, haha. thank u