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first off, my next video is being rendered. it is a very slow video to render, with each frame now taking nearly 15 minutes PER FRAME. ive run into many problems just to start the render properly, but either way, a tier change is coming

the $2 tier and $5 tier will now be combined into 1 tier. i am planning on using not only patreon in the future, but another site as well, and the lowest possible amount i can put on that site is $4. the site just does not accept an amount lower than $4. with my patreons cheapest tier, the same price just wouldnt transfer over, and it wouldnt make sense to have the same exact content on both sites, with one costing $2 extra

only solution to this is keeping it consistant on both sites, continuing to choose the lowest amount i can, which would be $4 in this case. it also means that those who supported me on the $5 tier will now be supporting me for less, since that $5 tier is now unpublished

i was told that i released alot of content, and while it is cheap, 1 week early access just wasnt long enough. to compensate for the price change, instead of 1 week early access, it has been changed to a month. all the benefits from before are still in effect, the no watermark, 1080p, and access to the archive, you paid members will just get animations way earlier than the public

with the price increase, i am hoping to save up for yet another computer to help render even faster, and i cant keep this as my job for as long as i live if i dont make enough off of it, since i constantly make less than around when i first started, so this price change was not only neccessary due to spreading out to another site, but it is neccessary in helping me continue animating as long as i am physically able to

i have tried to put off changing the tier for an extra month, so that more were able to join at $2 instead of the more updated price, and i really didnt want to have to make this post, but there just isnt much choice but to at this point. i really do appreciate the support from so many of you from all over the world. i hope i can continue making many of you happy with the animations i put out, its not easy to constantly create without many breaks, but i do hope that you all continue to support me in what i do, thank you all for the support and for reading!


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