Guess what? I'm still alive. Please read post description. (Patreon)
Allright, let me get real with you guys. First, thanks to all that are still there despite my recent disappearance. I appreciate that.
Secondly, if you guys didn't know, I, VERY UNFORTUNATELY, hail from russia, and thus patreon really is useless to me since I can't make any money from it since the war started. I loathe the war, so I'm not here to complain, after all I am not the one who's house is getting bombarded by rocket at he moment. I can't wait for his abhorrent escapade to end, but until it hasn't, I need to find a way to put some garlic bread on my table.
Basically, I had a reall rough couple of months at work, since, as you may imagine, buisinesses aren't really running all that great in the motherland either.
I will be putting new stuff to patreon despite it being absolutely pointless thing for me to do, so if you still want to support me- it'll be greatly appreciated once a certain person dies from fecal fumes inhalation, thus ending the war for good. In any case, here are 2 new replacers.