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Finished commission for Sokka! Promised a comm for him long time ago and now I finally drew his sexy boy. I really appreciate and love his art, Sokka is very good at drawing many kinds of inflation with extremely sexy canines, he has an incredible taste and style. 

Commission task was to draw Sokka inflating daddified Wile E Coyote with buffed muscles, beard and body hair in all important places. Not that I'm a big fan of daddification but hey, sexy buff hairy Wile E is a sexy buff hairy Wile E! And since I explained his transformation with daddy tonic it kinda fits the idea of Wile E loving to experiment with all kinds of weird stuff with unpredictable effects. I also prefer human-like body hair over fur but this was a commissioner's request, as well as innie belly button instead of outies I usually draw. So, sorry, no extreme hairy alts this time. 

Important notice! There's some fart alts in attachments and I need to make it clear that these were made NOT for Sokka, just for my personal horny amusement, I simply couldn't resist my dirty fantasies and really had to project them on Sokka, he was too hot to not try something bad. I just don't want anybody to misunderstand it and think that he is into it, for him it's very important since he is absolutely not into farts. It can seem opposite judging by his art but in fact he just loves when an excessive built up pressure causes the character to release clean air as belches and farts but any gas produced by bowels which implies bad smell grosses him out. Anything in his art with farts colored any other color but white is made for commissioners but not for his own pleasure. Very sad for me that we're so opposite at that matter but for each their own. When I showed him alt versions with Sokka inflating Wile E with his own farts to ask if I can post it on Patreon since it involves his personal character, he liked it, surprisingly, just said it will be perfect if I color gases white like if Sokka was "doing that maybe after inhaling enough air to get bloated" Haha, this is a very stretched excuse but him loving it despite my expectations is the main thing that matters, first time I didn't even want to show it to him but it was important to get his permission for posting it here. I think it's my first time trying this classic concept of one character inflating another with his farts through the hose and I really liked it, hope you too.

P.S. This is also my last commission done by commission line system. This year's experience with it was the last straw and it proved to be very disappointing to me. With my pace it's very difficult to work with commissions arranged in a certain order and it has absolutely no point. I promise people a particular place in a line and many of them end up getting their comms 5 months later when they already forgot that they actually had a certain place in a line. So, all it does is adds a completely needless extra challenge in my work. Very often I get new commission requests, very good requests which I would like to start working on just right away but then I remember "Oh crap, I still have 5 promised commissions to work on." so I never can work on any idea when it's fresh. I always say that I'm not that kind of artist who can't work without "spark" and if the moment of the idea being fresh is lost it's lost forever, I can easily return to my super old ideas but still I have to admit that first passion over the fresh new idea is still important and the work always goes easier when you're on it. So, since today I'm gonna change my working habits and make no lines anymore. From this moment I will work only on whatever commission idea I feel up to work on at the moment, with a constant flow of requests I receive it's more than possible, no more promising a "place in a line" now whenever anybody gives me an idea I'll just either start working on it right away or just say that I'm gonna just take a note for possible future commission plans but not promising anything because I'm tired of these useless promises. It's probably not the only reason of my decreased working pace but definitely one of the causes because it mixed some boring routine to my work. I repeat again that I love every commission I do but it's like being offered a pizza during a summer heat when you want icecream. No matter how much I love both, there's a time and mood for everything so I hope it will help me to pace my work more properly and give me more motivation.



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