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A bit too late for that kind of thing but still. October was quite a messed up month but for what it was I think I did my best. Wasting half of it on Bing image generator obsession, generating 4000+ images, then slowly getting back to my senses and still succeeding to make 5 and a half artworks and quite some pixel art sounds like not bad, I think. Yet I don't think spending time with Bing was a complete waste of time. It was still an inspiring experience which I'm sure will show its results in future, it already does since I used few generated images as body references for some of my recent artworks. And as much as I can tell by the comments, some of you guys enjoyed it too and that's actually the main reason why I maintain my Patreon!

As a Spooktober it wasn't a big success, sure thing many of my generated images matched the mood well but of course it's not what I wanted to see from myself for this the most anticipated month, I wanted more of my own Halloween drawings and I did only 3, that's the least productive Spooktober in my life so far. I'm still hoping to catch up and draw something spooky in November but with my still low productivity and commission plans I'm not really sure.

As for pixel art, it got improved and grew on me quite noticeably lately, turning from just a Volk project idea into a separate complete diverse movement in my art where I try all kinds of different stuff. I keep reading materials about retro graphics and slowly get better at understanding and immitating them which I think is what fandom needs as well. Nerdy part of furry fandom is very big, there's countless pixel artists around but not many of them attempt to immitate authentic graphics from the 80-90s, somebody has to do it and show people the way. Also pixel art is what really helped me to unleash my urge to draw something of my own besides R34, sure thing I want to depict my OCs in other techniques as well but for now it's the best way to do it easy and fast. Volk project is still my current #1 priority but I feel already that I'm not going to stop just on this.

I still can't solve my low productivity problem even though I try my best, I feel tired, powerless, sleepy, procrastinating, constantly distracted by socials and sometimes games (but mostly it's socials and bothersome piles of never ending messages), can't stop going to sleep earlier than 2am and usually it's even later, can't manage to schedule my life time normally and all it doesn't sound good. I hope it will change soon, maybe one day I'll get enough money to buy melatonin instead of vintage shit for stabilizing my sleep. Anyway it's still not the end of the world, I have enough money to survive and still provide you with enough content to keep my Patreon somewhat stable which is the main thing. So, thank you all for being with me all this time and helping me to make ends meet, it's very important since allmost all my Patreon money go for paying my rent and without it it would be a hell for me.

And speaking of messed up month, let's not forget about this Patreon bullshit. I know I already made an emergency post to warn everyone about the changes which happened against my will but just to sum it up I had to switch to tiers system and set a fixed subscription price for everyone. God knows if I'm gonna lose a ton of subscribers this way, for now I don't see any big changes. Also, in case you didn't notice I created a second tier just for extra tipping. I don't feel up to separate my content, I want to keep it simple, you subscribe and you get everything from me for this money, I think it's fair, but some people were subscribed to me for more than 5 dollars and one of my friends said he'd be glad to upgrade to 10 dollars just to give me a bigger support which gave me a reason to create this tier. So, if you're interested it's all up to your choice, there's no extra benefits different from basic 5$ tier, it's just for those who want to give an extra help and I'm absolutely not insisting on that kind of stuff.


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