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Hi guys. I'm very sorry for being silent for whole two weeks, the longest it took me to finish just one art and it's even not one of the hardest I ever did. I just don't feel good lately, not physically but more like mentally. I can't stop procrastinating and I really got tired working on one picture for such a long time, I can't call it a depression, I still very much want to draw a lot of things but I barely have enough energy to work as fast as I usually do, so it's more like an exhaust. Don't know where it comes from since I can't say I'm going through any serious hardships recently but this is what happens. 

But now I feel better, commission is done and I feel determined to do some more extreme stuff for myself. This commission is done for my friend JakiBoy who gave me another excellent idea to draw, it features a trio of these iconic video game crushes we all know, Sonic, Banjo and Crash. The idea was to depict three characters representing three consoles of three companies and wearing T-shirts with their logos. Crash for Sony PlayStation, Banjo for Nintendo64 and Sonic... Well, here we had some little problems. The thing is, initially it was planned for Sonic to represent Sega Saturn since it came out almost the same time (1995) as other two 3D game pioneers, PS1 (1994) and N64 (1996) but the thing is, first of all, that Sega Saturn has a pretty lame logo which doesn't look good and also could look off along PS1 and N64 logos which by a lucky coincidence have a similar color palette. Besides aesthetic problem, Sega Saturn didn't have much to do with Sonic at all, just one racing game which is not really worthy to be mentioned honestly. Classic Sega logo would be good but Sega is a company, not a console, also it still sticks out with its blue-white color scheme. Then I looked up Sega Genesis logo and found out a very interesting thing that Sega Mega Drive actually had a pretty neat logo introduced in 1988 and used for Mega Drive only in Japan/Asia up to 1996. Well, considering Sonic was created in Japan and the peak of his came happened in Sega Mega Drive era we agreed that it would be fair to use this logo, compared to any other options it's the best one as it visually fits the trio very well, it doesn't really matter that Mega Drive is older and it's not a 3D era console. 

So, basically it's a classic muscle pin-up so it's not as rich for alts as some of my other artworks but still I did as much as I could here. Public version has them wearing shirts and thongs, here you can see fully naked versions with flaccid dicks and boners, plus some other stuff, hairy alts were especially complex this time! Covering whole three bodies with hair from top to bottom and also tweaking layers for different dick alts surely took a lot of time and energy but I hope you enjoy it.




Brazil, you are an incredibly hard working artist and the quality of your work is always exceptional - don't beat yourself up for having a slow period, you deserve to have some rest and down time! These hunks are all looking STUNNING! 💪😻💕


Thank you for being understanding and loving! <3 Maybe you're right, I'm just afraid that this rest period is taking too much time, after all it's not the first month of being unproductive. But maybe I really need some good rest. Glad you love my stuff no matter what!


oh fantastically sexy =D