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After dealing with such an unbearable load of editing work I decided to finish something simple and quick. And after all, I wanted this work to be my first public mention of this guy and only then start posting everything else. Again, it's an unnamed dog from Gasolin' 2 rock album by Danish band Gasolin' recorded in 1972. This work style is based greatly on the album cover as you can see but I changed the writting trying to copy original font as accurate as possible. Fi-Fi Dong is the name of one of these songs and I DON'T KNOW what the heck does fi-fi dong mean, all I know and what we all know is what does DONG mean on English. (the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbX9YBVgPQU) When I first heard the song I just bursted with laughter (the song is really good though) and this simple humorous idea hit my head instantly. I hope some Danish furry come across this and tells me what it means.
The work is as normal as an 18+ artwork can be, you see, I really don't know what could be edited here, any dirty enlargements or whatever will look out of place so I decided to go easy with this one. Next art however is gonna be rich for dirty alts again. 




Gorgeous dong on him <3