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Finally doing it. Since I had no time to make monthly summary post for so long, I need to sum up the results of the last three months all together. 

First of all, I need to say thank you to everyone for your support, your patience and your understanding. Last months were tough, I got involved into that exhibition project and gave myself a work which nobody expected to be so epic. It took so much time and energy that I hit the bottom of minimal productivity and produced very little content, being absent in socials and feeling myself falling out of fandom's life even though the work I was making on was furry. I was even afraid to open Patreon because I expected to see a terribly large number of people unsubscribing. Surprisingly, changes were as minimal as possible, I lost almost nothing and instead of declining I just was left on the same level, as you can see by the image. Of course growth is better but, given my situation, being at least stable is already pretty much reassuring. Thank you again everybody. 

Looking back at what was done last months, there's nothing much to say, I was doing the same stuff I usually do, drawing old beloved boys, discovering and drawing new ones, I updated my favorite characters charts, did some good comms, met some good new people to work with in future, and I plan to do the same things next months, just in a bigger quantity since there's no big and grandiose projects and other plans to be distracted with anymore. My only plans for now is to draw some characters I feel passionate about right now. Like more wolf from Karate Sheep, Rapido from Ratz cartoon I found thanks to Karate Sheep, more Bambo, also hope to draw some horny cowboy things with Volk and Tex Avery wolves. Don't know if I get in time to draw it all, considering that I have commissions to work on as well. There's only two months left before autumn when I should switch to spooky stuff already. 

I have just one special thing to tell about my future plans. While working on this exhibition project I also experimented with DIY recipes for homemade self-drying clay made of easily accessible and cheap ingredients, mainly glue and starch. I wanted to use it to make a second piece in a different technique for this exhibition but got no time for it. Still it was an important breakthrough discovery. As you maybe remember from my FA gallery, I did few sculptural reliefs in past but I used very lame technique which was super complicated, hard to use and making it impossible to work with small details. Now I have a chance to make much more refined artworks with tinier details and the whole process being much easier. A simple mixture of polymeric glue and starch works incredibly great and maybe it means the door to much greater artworks being opened for me. I plan to start working on something epic soon but this time with no rush, no deadlines, no going off the radar and no harm to my main drawing plans. Slowly but steadily. 

That's all for today. Hope July will be more productive than previous months. 



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