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Keeping up dealing with my old Pooch/Genghis drawings, I swear it will end soon! xD I just don't want to leave too many works half-done and if I had a Wacky World of Tex Avery craze then I should deal with it for good, at least with those artworks which were already finished in pencil. There's only one left and it's almost done, I was working on it in parallel with Powershoe Overdose and all it needs is a bit more shading work and some alts which are gonna be less complex. Hairy alts are the most exhausting and time consuming, here I had two full-body dudes with full sets of hairsuits to work on and luckily last work is not like that, so, much likely I'll finish it tomorrow if nothing distracts me. I'm a bit tired of drawing the same characters over and over even though I love them and they give me a liberty to playing with 90s aesthetics in backgrounds but I really need some variety. 

So, this time I did some toony muscles again! I think this one is my most proportionally grotesque muscle art I ever did, definitely need to do more!

Sadly, Genghis segments in Wacky World of Tex Avery are very tame about kinks unlike really wacky Power Pooch stories, I think I already said it before, but I'm sure if there were any crossover between these two guys there just had to be a story where Genghis uses Pooch's power shoe and turns super buff. And if we make it kinkier it's obvious that these guys will get carried away with these effects way too much!

All classic alts are here for you to enjoy. Body hair, musk, burps, farts, nutting and different combinations of everything. 

I also assumed I had green color a bit overused for text in my recent art. I know I love gassy things being nasty and green text color kinda emphasizes it but it's not that necessary to use it all the time. Cartoons used all possible bright colors for belch and fart sound writings so I thought I should return to being more creative here.




I'll never get over just how good you do hair and musk on buff dudes 🥴💪💦