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And again, another game project update for you. Okay, how could you NOT expect me to make something like this? I mean make Vityai gaining lots of fat after gaining lots of muscles. That's a very special thing which hits me different, a transformation from not just normal to abnormal like from slim to fat, it's a drastic change from one extreme to another, from hyper buff to hyper obese which also comes with a no less sharp attitude change from super energized and charged with adrenaline to getting loose and lazy which is also a special appeal and turn on for me. Honestly, it started as just another random horny editing but then I got carried away and realized it can be something serious too. 

So, now when I made enough visual materials, I can share my ideas for a gameplay concept as I promised. 

"Vityai's Workout" is planned to be another simple memory+reaction puzzle game, similar to that infamous "Hungry Pumpkin" game which was a meme decade ago, the character asks you to give him something and you need to pick up that item out of a big list. It's seen in many other games as well though. The only personal example I can remember are some mini games from Hamtaro Rainbow Rescue I loved a lot as a kid (screenshots posted). Needless to say, it's a very common kind of mini games. In "Vityai's Workout" case, the game will confuse you with very similarly looking items and forcing you to react quickly since the game has a time limit and you need to fulfill Vityai's tasks several times to clear the level. After clearing each level (there's 7 of them as usual), Vityai's muscles will grow as shown in my previous post where all idle animations are combined in one growth progression gif. 

As for the one where Vityai gets fat, it's gonna be kind of a continuation of "Vityai's Workout" titled "Vityai's Workout 2 Getting Loose!" and instead of sports weights you need to pick food for him. I wanted to make a compilation of 6 mini games where every each is unique and uses different kinks but I think one exception can be done here, after all, it's a nice idea and repeated gameplay mechanics at least have an excuse in a form of a good concept. Still need to work a lot with layouts, congratulation screens, bonus game animations and so on.
Also forgot that "Beer Catcher" congratulations screen doesn't have a Commodore 64 version so here it is. 

And some nerdy technical info here. I keep studying old computers trying a lot to understand their specifics and limitations, for a person of my age who never even saw at least more improved old Amiga or DOS computer by my own eyes, discovering older 8-bit computers is like doing an archaeological excavations. I learned more about Atari 8-bit family computers which style I tried to emulate as something perfectly old, less primitive than ZX Spectrum but not too cool like Amiga or newer IBM DOS computers. And what I learned was actually a bit disappointing as it answered my questions why I felt concerned about my concepts looking not primitive enough for Atari 8-bit computer graphics. One thing which felt off is the amount of colors. I learned that most of Atari games were able to show only 4 colors per horizontal line plus key color which is usually black. Each horizontal line can have a different palette but still with no more than 4 colors. You can clearly see it in few screenshots of classic Atari games I uploaded, Alley Cat, Frogger and Oil Well. You see, Atari liked horizontals a lot and you can try it yourself to count colors on any line of any game and it never will be more than 4, they change only vertically. Later Atari 800XL/XE models could allow more colors per screen line but it comes with other problem. For some reason, its width resolution have to be cut drastically due to more colors and to make an illusion of a normal visuals it stretches them two times horizontally so each pixel is in fact a two pixel brick which can be seen on three last screenshots from different games made exclusively for Atari XL, Henry's House, Rescue on Fractalus and modern game Bubble Shooter developed and published in 2021. It doesn't make games look really bad but it's still a bullshit, I don't want to deal with it and change all my previous graphics to brick pixels just to fit some old computer stupid standards. So, most of my graphics surely look color limited but they're still waaaaay too colorful for Atari 8-bit standards, not to mention some other limitations I don't even want to bother telling.

And important thing to say, my Commodore 64 versions of every game concept are much closer to reality than Atari because Commodore 64 didn't have that horizontal line crap. Yes, it had a sad looking palette of 16 pale colors but at least it could use them anywhere, all 16 colors could be used for any sprite and just every piece of graphics. No wonder it became a super popular PC in 80s and a very successful competitor for Atari which was sold much better. So, if I'm dreaming to see my project on a real old physical hardware one day, it can be pretty much Commodore 64, but definitely not Atari. At least I think so, I still don't know what else limitations C64 had besides colors and 320x200 resolution.

I know I'm maybe overthinking it a lot, I know people are very liberated today and just make pixel art and games with whatever random resolution and colors they want and don't think if it fits any real technical limitations of some old platform or not, I just very much wanted my project to fit some of these limitations for real and make someone's nostalgic feelings tingle really hard and not being called just "pseudo retro"

So, as a conclusion, all my discoveries are not going to affect the look of my concepts anyway, I will still keep doing them with the same palette and resolution, maybe I still program it in the end as just that kind of a "pseudo retro" for the first time and then try to ponder it more to fit some certain limitations or maybe do it opposite and make an enhanced version with better colors and graphics like if it was an Old commodore 64 game which got an upgrade few years later for Amiga or DOS. I'm just tending to love Commodore 64 version more now since it's more correct to the history. 

As for Atari 8-bit, I still love it with all it's crude limitations, I just think I need to cut my ambitions and if I want to make a game with a true Atari feel I should come up with something much less complex in future. 

That's all folks. Besides all the boring nerdy talking, I hope you enjoyed these new hot materials! And yeah, there's Vityai taking a huge piss in attachments, I thought it's a bit too dirty to be posted openly even despite it's a pixel art so don't forget to open it if you're into WS.



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