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So, here's that very special art I so much wanted to finish by January 7. Why January 7? Because it's U.S. National Pass a Gas Day. Yeah. One more proof why USA is purely my kind of a country, hahaha. And it's also an Orthodox Christmas in my country, can you imagine such a goddamn coincidence?! lmfao XD But yes, today post is not about Christmas at all, it's all about gassy things, today I wanted to make a very courageous step in my furry life and finally reveal my flatulent kink on public. There's no better day for this rather than January 7 and if there weren't such crazy days in America I guess there wouldn't be any reveals from me like this. I was thinking about it for a long time actually and my initial idea was more simple, I just wanted to post 4 of my old gassy edits, probably the wildest ones with my characters farting with their armpits, breast crack and other unexpected places, just to make my first reveal pompous and show that I'm going crazy with that kink just like with anything I love. But one recent accidental discovery changed my plans completely. I saved the idea with old alts as a plan B in case I fail to do everything in time but I really wanted to succeed with plan A and even got that little problem with my post-New Year art I mentioned yesterday. Fortunately I managed to fit my schedule and finished the work today.

So, what actually made me to change my mind? It all started with just my random visit to Deviantart. Expecting nothing interesting there as usual, I suddenly saw some rough sfm 3D model of some pretty interesting and handsome deer. I decided to find out who is he and that's how I discovered Deer Avenger old game series from late 90s-early 00s about hunky macho deer who switched places with his main rival and hunts down the hunters, shooting bunches of silly rednecks and such. And it's not the most interesting thing, you think why it made me to change my mind when it was less than a week before January 7? Well, Wikipedia says: "Bambo is very crude and crass, often farting, and yelling obscenities and stereotypical jokes at his prey." Wow.... Now THAT'S absolutely MY type of a man! I looked up some walkthroughs on YouTube and it was like my amazement just had no end. They made farting not only just a part of Bambo's personality, they made it a big and essential part of the game mechanics itself! Just check it out yourself, he uses it to lure his prey, to rocket through the map and even knocking everybody around with an epic flatulent atomic explosion! That's freaking crazy! Who made that game, some fucking furries???
So, I got myself a new hero and I realized that I just have NO other way but draw him especially for my dirty coming out. No edits of a normal art, this time it's an artwork drawn purely for gassy purposes from the start which says with its very pose what it's all about.
The artwork name is inspired by one of Bambo's dirty jokes when he uses his filthy abilities, "Ah, what sweet music. I call it 'Requiem For A Rectum' or a 'Caca Contatta'." Gosh, I still can't believe it's a real game.
Also, Bambo can use beef jerky, beer and pizza as a bait for his prey and you knoooow what it means. Where's the food there's the stuffing. Especially when it's a bad food. So, expect me to come back drawing fat or overstuffed Bambo someday in future.

Despite the series used the same canon Bambo design in all first three games and changed it only in the 4th one, I still chose the newer one because that damn macho deer with that big mouth full of big teeth just drives me crazy. I know he looks less cute and more freakish but I love these weird old CGI character designs. 

But don't be afraid, all that doesn't mean I'm going to start posting fart stuff on main regularly and it stops being purely Patreon exclusive. I don't think I need to cross that borderline so hard, I don't even want to make an AD for this. It's all about just one single crazy day of a year, I will post something like that publicly only for January 7, in all other days no fart alt will ever be posted on my public accounts no matter how much old they are. I feel like I should keep that stuff more as a private and personal thing. And I'm a bit afraid of possible consequences which can follow my first public post of that kind. Farts is still far not equal to some really bad taboo fetishes and many people are posting it on main fearlessly but it's already something which can disgust some people and turn them off, so I'm all ready to lose some followers after this. But who knows, in other hand it can lure some people here who weren't aware of my secret kinks but very much wanted to see me drawing like this.

Also, even despite I showed off the main exclusive part of the art, I still didn't forgot about my patrons and made some several nice alts, including ones for those who don't like farts. I know that pose looks odd without gases because it literally says what Bambo is going to do but idk, I think it's still enjoyable. I did naked version for Patreon, leaving a public one covered with Bambo's pants, hairy, musky ones, burping one, the one with big fat hyper dick and big low hanging balls and of course alts with Bambo busting a load. The main fun is still hidden in attachments of course. 

So, happy January 7 to everyone who thinks it's their day! :D Now I can get back to finishing last alts for my Volk/Wolf art as I promised. 




What a hunk! 💪🦌💦 mad respect for you Bazil with having the confidence to post your more dirty kinks in public, I hope everyone stays supportive!


Thank you a lot!! Yeah, it was a difficult step to make, needed a lot of courage but it turned out much better than I expected, people appeared to be very positive and supportive~