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Lately, I was watching one old show from the 90s called "The Wacky World of Tex Avery" Despite it's named after one of the greatest cartoonists of all time, it has not so much to do with it. The show is infamous for being another cheap low-budget cartoon with cheesy flat humor, and slapping Tex Avery name on it made it only worse for its reputation. I was lured by that as well and got greatly disappointed from the very start of the first episode. It was absolutely indigestible for my brain and I realized I can't waste my life on this. However, I decided to give a chance to some animal characters. The thing is the show is made such way that it has different stories about different characters which universes almost don't cross over and each episode is devided on three segments with these stories in random order. Most characters are human but there's some handsome mammals as well. Sadly, the first episode was all human-segments so my first impression from the show was really bad. And it's not because my furry syndrome is so awfull I value only those movies/shows which have anthro animals. I enjoy many things which have nothing to do with furries but only when they're really GOOD. Here furries were just the last chance to save the show and sugar it a bit for me.
And it really helped! I fell in love with two goofballs, Genghis the Lion, a typical loser kind of villain with oversized ego and too much self-confidence, and Power Pooch, a typical comically stupid superhero, a dumbass with too much power for the brains he has.

Genghis episodes are a bit more classic, there's not so much kink material, he don't get buff and I thought there's no belly/inflation scenes for him as well until only on episode 51 I finally got some extreme stuff which gave me permission to do whatever shit I want to do with him. I love Genghis mainly for his handsomeness, villainous charisma and for him wearing leather gear.

Power Pooch is a different thing. It seems that screenwriters really let their fantasy off the chain with him. There's plenty of really odd moments and the whole premise smells with kinks too. Pooch was a simple dog but one day a superhero dropped his shoe while flying and it fell right in Pooch's food bowl. After licking it by an accident Pooch got superpowers. From that moment he keeps the shoe and bites it every time he needs these powers to save the day. And every time he licks, sniffs and bites that shoe he does it with such gusto it starts to look like a sexual obsession.

The other thing which helps is that Pooch and Genghis share very similar color palette and nose design, also them being an antipode couple of villain and hero makes it look like these guys just should be in the same universe even more.

And so, after finishing all the most urgent commissions, I decided to take myself a little break and let out everything I had in my head for them and drew whole 11 sketches which include almost everything I like, from pin-ups and classic sex to hyper muscle, inflation and fat. Even my first kiss art! I actually did one before but it was a commission so it doesn't really count. Funny to realize that, of all cool cartoon characters, I choose these two idiots from one of the most stupidest cheap shows ever for the first personal kiss art I ever drew.
It was really a good rest for me actually, no complex anatomy, no strict rules of realism, just pure kink stuff with simple yet charming 90s characters, just like in good old times when I was doing such things more often (some moments, especially hands, still were a big pain here though). Honestly, I was going to draw even more, more muscle stuff, more fat stuff, more drawings with Pooch's evil twin but I'm simply tired and short in time. I still need to finish 1-2 more commissions this month and wanted to deal with some summer works as well so it's hard to tell when I get to shading any of these sketches and I think 11 is more than enough already. I better think of sketching more only when I deal with all of these. For now I hope you enjoy everything I did so far. 



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