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It's time to sum up the month as usual. October was very rich for events and a lot of things have happened. It's my first normal month when I worked normally from the 1st day till 31st and I felt surprised by how quickly everything started to get better despite my 4 month long silence. I got so many commission requests I'm just unable to process them all and had to schedule half of them for December. I got so many new subscribers here and my monthly earnings rised so greatly, it's very nice and hope it will help me to have a bit easier time in November. And yes, returning to my duties meant the return of my working routine problems, like problems with planning my time, getting too much of attention in socials and trying to manage all that stockpiled mail but mainly it's broken sleep schedule, yes, I broke it very quickly haha. Now I'm trying to force myself to not go to sleep later than 2-3am again to not have headaches and don't feel sleepy all day. And I think I overdone my monthly norm too much this month. I made 15 artworks which is an insane amount compared to my regular pace. Of course, 4 of them are very simple works which were already drawn in past and I had just to color them and make no edits but still it's 11 pieces which is a lot anyway. Not to mention I made two very complex works, I mean these two commissions with Volk and 5 Crashes. And that's considering all my internet troubles and that I had to get out of my home at cold night to upload original files of my works on Patreon which was taking about 1 hour and all that shit continued till October 22 when I finally got my normal home internet. Also all that Halloween spirit was rushing me to work more to make as much spooky things as possible, I always get too enthusiastic about Spooktober. I hope this month will be a bit quiter.

Also, I made some improvements in my business. 

First of all, I made myself a Patreon header at the very long last, it's in "About" section. That article will welcome all the newcomers who arrive here and it will help me to feel less concerned about them. For a long time I was always worrying if new people will like the benefits here or they will unsubscribe quickly because there's no clear description of what I offer to people. Of course I always mention what kind of kinky edits each work has in its description on public resources but I NEVER mention the worst and filthiest of them which, honestly, make a major part of my exclusive content. Maybe I'm not ready to announce it on public but Patreon header feels as a safe place to be 100% honest with people, I guess, so they will know from the start do they need to donate me for such benefits or it doesn't worth a try. 

And the second improvement is that I started to share some of my year-old content on public. It's mainly just a classic business strategy. Many people post their year-old exclusive artworks and I decided to do the same with my edits to give my followers a straight visual example of what I'm capable for, what I actually share here and make them want to see more of that. Simply an advertising. Also, a more regular posting is good for Twitter algorithm and maybe it will help me to get more followers quicker and respectively more Patreon subscribers as well. It's all just to make my life easier and help me to create more and better art. But fear not, I'll never reveal 100% of my stuff, the one I post public will be always just a top of an iceberg, mainly the tamest stuff like body hair, body parts enlargement and such, and only one edit per work with rare exceptions, while most of my Patreon content will remain exclusive and Patreon-only forever as most of my dirtiest fantasies are too dirty and I can't imagine myself revealing it on public resources.

Speaking of November, what will come next? Well, first of all it's work work work. My November commission line is already all planned, I know who I will work with and in what order. It's gonna be 5 commissions as before. Maybe during this period I'll finish few more of my summer works while waiting for commissioner's respone on approving the sketch or the final work to not waste my time. Anyway, I just HAVE to finish some of them, I really want to bring some of these works to life, like fat Mr Wolf or Lupo Alberto with soccer ball in his ass, these works give a wide space for imagination and dirty edits, you need to receive your monthly norm of smut after all. But I also hope to get enough time to create something entirely new as there's some projects I was dreaming about for a long time. One of them is pretty tame and romantic, I miss doing such things a lot, a never ending horny mode can be exhausting too. Maybe some of them will be Halloween related as one month is never enough for me to implement all my ideas, or maybe not, depends on how much time I will have left after commissions. I have no more internet troubles but in the other hand I'm pretty much weakened compared to October when I returned refreshed and energetic from my countryside solitude where I was cut and deprived from many stuff and had all my time to sleep off. We will see. 

Anyway, the month is gonna be good, I'm sure, big thanks to everyone who support me here, thanks to all the new folks and hope you enjoy your stay here!


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