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Now I finally have my last Lupo Alberto drawing finished. I mean, of course I have more ideas in mind but at least it's good that my old sketches with him are not a burden anymore.
For some reason, many people who saw my old bunch of sketches which had this one as well loved it very much in particular. Well, it's really a lovely idea indeed! It's based on one of the Lupo Alberto magazine cover where he was depicted extremely sexy with a very handsome stubble but, as it's very common for the style of Lupo Alberto author, he looks funny drawn directly in front, I wanted to make a better expose of his big snout more in a side-view. And yeah, these big bits with heavy nuts and sexy flaccid dick is probably what mainly attracted most people.

Speaking of my personal situation, my friends went on a very long hitchhiking trip which should take 2-3 weeks, so I am alone here now, have more free time and a better feeling of a personal space, even though the duties of a daily care of their chickens and vegetables is only on my shoulders now as well. My boyfriend found some friends who can lend him money for solving our trouble but only by small daily bits, he started saving it the last week and gathered half of a needed sum already. Also, if we get lucky, one bank will finally allow him to take a loan tomorrow which can make things go faster and maybe that week will be my last week spent here and I finally get able to start scanning, coloring and editing the things I drew.



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