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As I promised, my personal spooky art season continues! Would be sad to spend Spooktober without drawing any commission art related to it. So, my friend UncommonTree gave me a good chance to draw one!

I like to imagine my sona Bazil interacting with my friends' characters but unfortunately it doesn't happen really often. Luckily, it's his star hour again as he decided to go candy hunting with Tree! And what can you expect from two always hungry gluttons when it comes to such tempting event as Halloween night? Of course they will sneak to every house in their town to stuff as much sweets in their bellies as possible until that burden will become just unbearable (not sure if that moment will ever happen) And nothing can prevent them, even the fact that their oversized bellies ruined all their clothes leaving them almost naked, having no way but walk across the streets with their junks swinging below.

Yes, I forgot to draw their little dicks on the sketch in previous post but I couldn't help but draw it as I have a big fixation on such detail. Many people to whom I showed nsfw version of my old beer bloated Volk piece noticed that they find his little junk pretty sexy, so it seems I'm not the only one with such tastes and it's really important to make nsfw versions of artworks like this.

Anyway, there's also an sfw version because I know some people have fixation on belly arts but don't like it being 18+
Besides, there's also some specials: text/textless for both sfw/nsfw versions, burping alt and slightly "enhanced" version with bigger dicks and belly buttons, also some gassy stuff in attachments.

Tree's Halloween outfit is based on Speck_Neck artwork (also the last image in post)
