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Hi everyone! First of all I need to say thanks to all new people who subscribed to my Patreon in August and everyone who're with me for a long time and still here. Most of time I was stagnated with having only about 10 patrons for many months and getting new people coming in but always losing someone as well. August just shocked me with more and more subscribers arriving here, looks like my tiresome efforts on doing all these alts and promoting them a bit in socials gave good results at last. Sad that 4 people left me in the last days before Patreon charged the payment, so I have 18 instead of 22, seems to be another content thieves again, I'm already used to it and was waiting for such situation. I have a progress anyway, all you new folks are still with me, thanks again for your support, I hope to not disappoint you and give you good reason to stay here further!

Last days I was working on a big set of sketches for my future plans, got so much carried away I didn't even noticed I did whole 23! A lot of various topics to explore here, from classic erotic pin-ups to very weird and lewd indulgent stuff.

First of all, I very much want to participate in that jack o challenge and give it some bit of good R34 before it's not too late. I'm always so busy I just have no time to participate in meme stuff and challenges but now I really want to do it. So I drew Barnyard Dawg and Foghorn Leghorn, really love these guys but had no idea what to draw with them. Jack o challange is a nice fitting thing as both of dudes have pretty thick asses for sure.

Next are two sketches with Desperado Dawg, a Barnyard Dawg bandit outifit made for Looney Tunes World of Mayhem game I'm playing, I just fall in love with him.

Next is Zoot Suit Daffy from Book Revue old cartoon short, who also appeared in a game and that reminder inspired me to draw him at last.

Then a couple of works with Black Bart from Hound for Hire cartoon, did him 6 months ago and you know, I NEVER forget my beloved boys and one art is never enough for me.

Next 6 sketches were made by ask from one of my patrons who suggested me to draw Honest Jhon Gusher from old Get Rich Quick Porky 1937 cartoon. Thank you a lot for showing such a hot weasel man! The plot was that he hooked the tanker to a sprinkler system to make it appear as if the land is saturated with natural crude oil, in hopes of luring some suckers to buy the otherwise worthless land. So, I decided to draw him hooking the hose to his ass and try some exotic type of bloating, filling his body with oil.

Also did a couple of fat Crisco Kid sketches I previously promised to draw as the first parts of a weight gain sequence first started with only three planned drawings, now it will be 5.

A blob stuff I plan to draw right after Barnyard and Foghorn as a commission for my friends Eggo and Cupric Fox.

Another obese blob drawing but made for my personal desires, an idea I had in my head for a long time since I ever got myself into fat face stuff, showing Foghorn shovel feeding Barnyard by tons of baked beans as a revange for some another prank Barnyard did on him. Did three works with a whole scenery and two face close-ups. It's hard to find a ballance between making character recognizable and having his face distorted by fat at the same, I really hope I reached that goal after all my struggles.

Started to indulge about blimp things recently and decided to draw my sona again. Usually I try to focus on depicting face features and stuff, so I don't draw too small heads and other parts, don't hide face features with too big cheeks and so on but since sometimes I catch myself on a thought that I can get horny from just a giant sphere with tiny limbs I tried to break rules for one time and push these fantasies on max. What makes a sphere body look big? Small details set in a contrats of course! So, loving being nsfw in everything, I added nipples and dick to Bazil's blimped body just like some other artists do, but not pumped and big like in their case but as small as possible, naturally sized, like only body itself can be blimped while everything else stays small. And also to show how much his pumped head is pushed in a body I left almost everything covered by big cheeks with only chin sticking out. And welp, it workes, that simple sketch already helped to get off a several times for me.

One of the last drawings is a similar stuff but with Crisco Kid blimped up. I think I add nipples and dick to him as well.

And the last works are pretty special and odd but also a great get off material which makes me very horny. One dude on Twitter suggested me an unusual idea of a story in which Volk inhales smoke from a bubble gum coated cigarettes making it cover his insides and then inflating him very special way, everything, including his snout, ears and tail gets pumped up and rounded. You get it, balloon body stuff. I never was really interested in this and so never thought to try drawing it, but all his descriptions sounded pretty hot. Can't say I can ever depict his bubble gum idea in an art sequence but the thought of pumping a whole head really inspired me as a snout growth lover. So I tried to make some portraits of Volk and his previously drawn pal and also make a full scene of them blimped and pushed to each other with their dicks and outies touching.

That's all folks! Phew, I hope it wasn't too much tiresome for you to read it all, I just wanted to explaing everything and don't left blank spots making you feel confused about showed plots. Now I don't need to sketch anything and have enough material to finish something big soon, just you wait! 




Love the extreme sizes!


I love it thanks for answering my reply


Fun Stuff!! I wonder if you've ever seen this episode of Schnookums and Meat. It has a lot of great belly stuff in it, I think you'd like it! https://youtu.be/tP3BxNEb520


Oh yes! These boys! I found them about year ago while looking through The Big Cartoon Wiki in search for bloated dogs and such https://bigcartoon.org/wiki/The_Shnookums_and_Meat_Funny_Cartoon_Show Still didn't watched the show but dang, these boys look extremely hot when they're so fat and jiggly!!


Ah I forgot about that wiki! But yes I love when the bellies stick out like that and bounce about!