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Was working all day on a set of alts for old Jasper Ballgrip artwork which I wanted to do for a long time. Now it's finally done, I thought it would be good to make something new exclusively for patreon as it's harder for me to draw in general during that tough busy month.

Big thanks to my supporter Nintendoloz who gave me that idea while we discussed this work in past. Don't know how we came up with that idea but we thought it could be fun and hot to see Jasper sticking his soda bottle in his dick hole and drink it that way, making his balls bloat more and more until they pop like a water balloon because of his sharp claws. Pretty much unusual kinks of drinking something through the dick and having the balls popping in a toony way with no gore are surely some nice rare kinks which I can't remember seeing somewhere. Surely fun thing to use someday again!

Speaking about patreon, it's sad to see that after gaining two patrons in one month I quickly lost another two and returned to the same level of 6 suporters. I heard world economics are getting worse recently and even big artists lose to 50% of their patrons too but still it makes me to blame myself first and think that my content doesn't match it's cost. To those who're still with me here I need to say sorry, making art of that level isn't easy and takes time and if I get life troubles it really affects my art speed too. I'm really trying my best and draw no matter what, through toothache, moving problems and other life crap to not disappoint those who supports me.



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